Cheryl Logan
I'm an original co founder of Parents Together West Lothian until 2013. I have two boys, my oldest son Harrison has autism. I remain a group member.

Our children & Adults
Parents Together's aim is to share information and provide a parent peer-led confidenial forum to ensure parents & family members do not feel isolated in their ASN Journey.
We offer a chance to connect with others dealing with the similar issues we share of caring for a child/adult with additional support needs, no matter what the disability may be.
Sharing what we have learned helps empower our children/adults to access the best possible services for our children & adults, and to make informed choices with shared discussion & permission of the child/adult wherever possible, or on their behalf.
Lynne Milne
I'm an original co-founder of Parents Together. I have two children, Rory is 13 and has autism & other complex health needs. He attends a special school in West Lothian. My daughter is 18.
I took over sole running of the group in July 2013.
Parents & Carers
Every member of Parents Together has a big part to play in the success of the group. Since the beginning, we have had a strong core group of parents active in the group sharing information. We also have our quieter members too! We pride ourselves on being a friendly, supportive and helpful group, and strive to keep it that way.